A Seafood Feast

February 23, 2018 0 Comments

After the afternoon Women’s Hockey Final—Congrats go to USA for our first Gold for Women’s Hockey since 1998; we went back to Gyeongpo Beach to try to catch some of the Fire Art Festa.  Nothing going on that night, but I really wanted to eat at one of the seafood places along the beach. Found our spot, and it was amazing. Like many places along this section of beach, lots of various live fish on display outside. I don’t even know what some of them are. The crabs in particular were humongous!

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We were happy to find that our waitress spoke very good English, and even had English on the menu. We chose the Snowcrab Special. 1kg of crab, plus sides. And there were a lot of sides!


Our selection of sides. And yes all three of us sampled everything. This was NOT the shallow end of the seafood pool for sure!

Baby octopus-you eat the whole thing. Full shrimp, with head and eyes! Large snail. And I think the last one is an adult octopus. All tasted fresh and like you were eating the ocean.

Now the main course: a HUGE snow crab. Perfect size for the three of us. This was an amazing meal that cost a total of 120,000 won ($120US). On the way back we took a cab and struck up a broken English conversation with the driver, who also sings and plays guitar. He’s a big fan of American music. A fun night.

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